
Food. Mood. Poop. Join in the fun & let’s get tracking!

Why tracking your food, mood, and poop matters in a BIG way!

One large underlying focus of our 6 week course, Harness the Power of Your Health, is gut health, so it’s only natural to discuss the beginning, middle and end stages of the digestive system. In our prep week we take time to start tracking; Food. Mood. Poop. This tool is here for you to take back your power, and find your own way to better health. So many answers are available to you if you just know where to look. So let’s get looking!
We can get so caught up in tests and trials that we forget we have some of the best diagnostic tools right at our fingertips!
the FOOD you eat
your elimination patterns, POOP
the noticeable signs and symptoms you feel throughout the day, MOOD

They’re telling on their own…

and have the power to take you from moving through your day like a zombie, subject to your habits and patterned behaviors, to a more heightened state of awareness.
This is an opportunity to engage with yourself, but why track?
Let’s face it, tracking what we eat isn’t always fun and many us us have negative associations with logging food for calories or self-discipline; years spent restricting and judging or evaluating each morsel ingested.
This is about so much more.
In particular it’s about taking back one of the best tools for making associations between how we feel and what we do ~ the sweet spot where you actually have more impact over your signs and symptoms than you might realize.
Go slow. Right now it’s just about writing down what you eat, no portions, no quality, no measurements needed. Just pure basics…what you ate, when you poop, and how you feel.
Here is an example;
  • Food
    • Breakfast 7:00 a.m.
    • coffee with vanilla creamer
    • toast with butter and jam
    • Yoplait strawberry yogurt
    • orange juice
  • Mood
    • felt energized right after eating but within an hour and a half I crashed, my energy was gone and I was craving Starbucks frappuccino with a scone.
  • Poop 7:25 a.m.;
    • Number 2 on the Bristol Stool Chart which is exciting because I struggle with chronic constipation. My morning coffee helps.
***download your Food Mood Poop tracker here. Heather could you help create a page? We can talk about it at our next meeting 🙂
As we have heard over and over, Food is our medicine and we are what we eat”, but lets take that a step further, Perhaps we’re not what we eat but rather what our body can absorb and use from what we eat.” We can eat the most amazing diet in the world but if we are not absorbing nutrients and feeding our entire system then in reality our diet is not our medicine and we need to uncover what is really going on inside, starting with our very own diagnostic tools; food, mood, and poop.
Bowel movements. Feces. Stool. Waste. Whatever word you want to use, having healthy bowel habits is essential to feeling your best. The more we talk about it, gain more knowledge, and get comfortable with the idea, the more mainstream this important conversation can be. 
During our 6 week course you’re going to learn about the bodies amazing digestive process, what your stools should look like, how often you should be having them, how long it takes to digest your food, color, shape, size, smell, and so much more.
The average person should be experiencing about one to three bowel movements every day, assuming, of course, that you’re consuming food. I say that because if you’re not eating very much, if you’re fasting or if you’re restricting calories, there’s less for your bowels to move and therefore, you would have fewer bowel movements. In general, it should take anywhere between 12 to 24 hours for your food to complete its full digestive process.
Now don your detective hat and jump into your very personal and important stool school! 
Download your Food/Mood/Poop tracker page and the Bristol Stool Chart here
*at www.

Our motto is Education-Action-Results so with every smidgen of education we gather there are powerful action steps;

Action Step 1; Download Food/Mood/Poop tracker page, make 5-7 copies, and the Bristol Stool Chart to place into your new Harness The Power of Your Health binder.
Action Step 2; Keep track of what you eat and drink (Food), how you feel during the day (Mood) and how many times per day you go (Poop) for just 5 to 7 days. Write down the corresponding number from the Bristol Stool Chart so you begin to understand your patterns. 
Action Step 3; Just be aware. No judgment and certainly don’t jump to conclusions. Our prep week is all about getting to know yourself and your health a little better. Let this be something fun and interesting, maybe find a friend who has a similar health focus and share your findings together.
Heather and Shelley, here are a few ideas for our own Food Mood Poop tracker page. I think it would be fun to make our 6 weeks into a book/journal that we can use alongside what we teach. Each week we have our Education (in simplified terms) Action steps for each day, and a tracker page that starts with very basics and then as we move through the 6 weeks we might start adding in more things they can journal about. Like when we talk about stress, fasting, adding in certain micronutrients, have places where they can track how they are doing. 
  • A place for times alongside of F/M/P
  • A place for number from Bristol Stool Chart
  • Additions at the bottom perhaps?
Water Intake
Steps Taken: Total Exercise Time:
Sleep; Fell asleep ;_ pm am Total Time Asleep
Woke up _; pm am 
Self Care/Me Time
Rate level of stress

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